
The First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of spring and my first day of spring break. Ahhhh. It feels good. It's a break from the ordinary pace of life and a chance to just breathe, relax, and slow down. When I woke up this morning, I felt the calm of knowing I had no where to be at any certain time. That's a good feeling.

Then, I started to make a to do list for all that I wanted to accomplish this week. You know me and lists. It's an addiction. But, as I was writing, I started to loose a little bit of that "ahhh" feeling. As my list grew longer, the feeling that I could mosey through my day and my week started to fade.

So I made a decision. This week I am living list free.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love lists. Lists give me a sense of direction and accomplishment. Lists keep me organize and help me to use my time wisely and effectively. Lists aren't bad. Lists are good. But for me, this week, I want a breather. No pressure to cross off the items on a list.

Here's to a week off. A week of no to do's, to accomplish now's, to be done's. A week of sporadic, spur of the moment, enjoyment.

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